Water & Waste Water

Water & Waste Water Industry:

1) Packaged Drinking Water
2) Water Recycling
3) Desalination
4) Water transport
5) Water treatment
6) Water pump station
7) Water supply network
8) Water for electricity generation
9) Waterway and coastal protection
10) Sewer network
11) Wastewater pump station
12) Wastewater treatment plants

Water is nature’s most wonderful, abundant and useful compound. natural resources of water that are potentially useful. Water is not only essential for the lives of animals and plants, but also occupies a unique position in industries. It is widely used in drinking, bathing, sanitary, washing, irrigation, fire-fights, air-conditioning and also production of industrial materials.

The distribution of water on the Earth’s surface is extremely uneven. Only 3% Of freshwater (69% resides in glaciers, 30% underground, and less than 1% is located in lakes, rivers and swamps.) of water on the surface is fresh; the remaining 97% resides in the ocean. Looked at another way, only one percent of the water on the Earth’s surface is usable by humans, and 99% of the usable quantity is situated underground.

Uses of water include agriculture, industrial, household, recreation and environmental activities. All living things require water to grow and reproduce.

Earth’s water resources, including rivers, lakes, oceans, and underground aquifers, are under stress in many regions. Humans need water for drinking, sanitation, agriculture, and industry; and contaminated water can spread illnesses and disease vectors, so clean water is both an environmental and a public health issue. In this unit, learn how water is distributed around the globe; how it cycles among the oceans, atmosphere, and land; and how human activities are affecting our finite supply of usable water.

Artificial or Manmade Resources of Water are Dams, wells, tube wells, canals are man-made sources of water.

Natural sources of water: oceans, rivers, lakes, rainwater, streams, ponds and springs are natural sources of water.

1) Rain Water: It is collected on the earth in the form of surface and groundwater.
2) Surface Water: Water on the surface of the earth like oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds, and streams are called surface water. The water in rivers and lakes receives rainwater and get replenished. Melting of snow on mountains is another source of surface water.
3) Underground Water: Life is possible on earth due to the existence of water. Nearly three-fourths of the earth’s surface comprises of with water.

We at Paramam Multi Development Projects is one the leading consultancy in Water Resource Business we build artificial dams and construct other water resources for customer as well as help other entities to build water resources for the people to provide them support and solution and also arrange lot of campaign for water uses and saving of water resource.

If you have Query regarding this industry and for support and solution kindly contact us on +91 9930442292.