Journalism & Press

Journalism & Press Industry Includes:

1) Freelance Writing
2) Press Release Writing and Distribution
3) Investigative journalism
4) News journalism
5) Reviews
6) Column writers
7) Feature Writing
8) Advertisements
9) Paper and Print Media
10) Online and Digital Media
11) Blogging
12) Social Media

Journalism is the production and distribution of reports on recent events. The word journalism applies to the occupation, as well as citizen journalists using methods of gathering information and using literary techniques. Journalistic media include print, television, radio, Internet, and, in the past, newsreels.

Digital Journalism
DIGITAL Journalism is very different to the traditional journalism that was around as little as a decade ago. From the way news is captured to its reception by readers, students wishing to become journalists need to be familiar with many digital skills in order to compete with the competition. Below is our guide to the main developments and how these may influence media and journalism students. Digital Journalism While there is no clear definition of digital journalism, it is widely recognised as being any form of journalist content that is posted on the internet. It could be in text, audio or video form and because it does not have to print and distribute content, it is much faster than traditional journalism. People can use the internet to access news and events 24 hours a day. They also like to fit their reading into busy lives, so content is shorter than it used to be: Articles are not as long, GIFs can be glanced at in a few seconds and places such as the BBC now offer 15 second snippets of longer interviews. The roll of a digital journalist is more about compiling content sourced from places such as social media. There is a focus on getting a lot of information into a short space. In many digital articles, hyperlinks link to video or photos that have been taken on camera-phones and posted on Facebook or YouTube. Journalist can also monitor stories using hash tags (#). Hash tags allow journalists to track a story, compile information from multiple sources and find an audience who is already interested in the topic they are writing about.

Digital media
Digital media are any media that are encoded in machine-readable formats. Digital media can be created, viewed, distributed, modified and preserved on digital electronics devices. Examples of digital media include software, digital images, digital video, video game, web pages and websites and also including social media, data and databases, digital audio, such as MP3 and electronic books. Digital media often contrasts with print media, such as printed books, newspapers and magazines, and other traditional or analog media, such as images, movies or audio tapes. Digital media has a significant broad and complex impact on society and culture. Combined with the Internet and personal computing, digital media has caused disruptive innovation in publishing, journalism, public relations, entertainment, education, commerce and politics.

We at Paramam Multi Development Projects is one the leading consultancy in Journalism and Digital Media we give services like website deigning and digital marketing promotion like SEO, SMO etc… to all our client as well we provide them support and solution to them on Promotion and Growth Matter of any business to digital and marketing platform.

If you have Query regarding this industry and for support and solution kindly contact us on +91 9930442292.