Agriculture – Food & Beverages

Agriculture Industry
1) Agricultural cultivation
2) Seeds,fertilizers, anticepticides
3) Agricultural Equipment
4) Horticulture & Animal Husbandry, Fishary,poultry farm
5) Dal mills, oil mills, ginning mills, sugar factories, milk & milk products bottled water, masala production, flower mills, noddle mills, papad mills
6) ware houses and cold storage for agricultural products
7) Packaging and sale of all agricultural products.
8) Farmers shopping mall
9) Food supply to Railways,Bus depots, Airplanes,school and college students ,hospital patients and others
10) Supply of Gas to households
11) Kitchen appliances
12) Labor supply skilled and unskilled manpower recruitment for all above works.

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Agriculture and Core Farming

Agriculture is the process of producing food, feed, fibre and many other desired products by the cultivation of certain plants and the raising of domesticated animals (livestock).

The practice of agriculture is also known as “Core Farming”, while scientists, inventors and others devoted to improving farming methods and implements are also said to be engaged in agriculture.

Organic farming

Organic farming is a form of agriculture that relies on ecosystem management and attempts to reduce or eliminate external agricultural inputs, especially synthetic ones.

Organic farming is a technique, which involves cultivation of plants and rearing of animals in natural ways. This process involves the use of biological materials, avoiding synthetic substances to maintain soil fertility and ecological balance thereby minimizing pollution and wastage.

In other words, organic farming is a farming method that involves growing and nurturing crops without the use of synthetic based fertilizers and pesticides.

Soil & Fertilizer

Soil:- Soil can be defined as the organic and inorganic materials on the surface of the earth that provide the medium for plant growth. Soil develops slowly over time and is composed of many different materials. Inorganic materials, or those materials that are not living, include weathered rocks and minerals.

There are six main soil types:Clay, Sandy, Salty, Peaty, Chalky

Fertilizer:- Fertilizer is any material of natural or synthetic origin (other than liming materials) that is applied to soils or to plant tissues to supply one or more plant nutrients essential to the growth of plants.

Fertilizers contain one or more essential plant nutrients and can be applied to landscapes to improve plant growth and quality or to correct a nutrient deficiency.

Types of Fertilizer are as follow:

Inorganic fertilizers: Inorganic fertilizers are materials that are mined or synthesized from non-living materials.

Organic fertilizers: Organic fertilizers are materials that are derived from plants and animals; one of the most common forms is manure.

Dry fertilizer: Dry fertilizer can be applied in many ways. Scatter it over the entire garden, down a row, or ring individual plants.

Farming Equipment

Tractors, Broadcast seeders, Seed drills,  irrigation system, sprayer,  plastic mulch layer, Harrows, Plow, Cultipackers, Cultivators, front-end loaders, Backhoes, Wagon, Farm Truck, ATVs / UTVs etc.. This are some kind of farming Equipment which are used for farming. Our company do trading of all this equipment.

Poultry Farming

Poultry farming means ‘raising various types of domestic birds commercially for the purpose of meat, eggs and feather production’. The most common and widely raised poultry birds are chicken. About 5k million chickens are being raised every year as a source of food (both meat and eggs of chicken).

Poultry farming business has numerous benefits. As a result many farmers prefer to invest in this business. People generally establish poultry farm for the purpose of producing eggs, meat and generating high revenue from these products.

Dairy Products

Milk, Butter, Condensed Milk, Clarified Butter, Buttermilk, Cottage Cheese, Yogurt, Hung Curd, Khoya, Mozzarella Cheese, Cream, Cheddar Cheese, Parmesan Cheese, Cream Cheese, Blue Cheese etc..This are some kind of daily product we are doing trading of this.

Apart from this we Mahacorporation are also indulge in Government Scheme for Food, Food Processing, Food Grade Testing, Packaging of Food etc….

We at Mahacorporation is one the leading consultancy in Food segment we provide all core Facilities to our customer to provide them support and solution towards every aspect of Life and Business.

If you have Query regarding this industry and for support and solution kindly contact us on +91 9930442292.