Law & Order

Law & Order Industry:

1) Legal Aid
2) Alternative Dispute Resolution
3) Documentation Services
4) Justice Centres
5) Certificates Births, Deaths and Marriages etc
6) Human rights and Accountability
7) Transitional Justice
8) Small Claims Procedures
9) Citizenship and Immigration
10) Legislation
11) Corporate Lawyers Services
12) Anti Corruption Services

India has one of the oldest legal systems in the world. The Preamble defines India as a ‘Sovereign Democratic Republic’, containing a federal system with Parliamentary form of Government in the Union and the States, an independent judiciary, guaranteed Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy containing objectives which though not enforceable in law, are fundamental to the governance of the nation.

The fountain source of law in India is the Constitution which, in turn, gives due recognition to statutes, case law and customary law consistent with its dispensations. One of the unique features of the Indian Constitution is that, notwithstanding the adoption of a federal system and existence of Central Acts and State Acts in their respective spheres, it has generally provided for a single integrated system of Courts to administer both Union and State laws. At the apex of the entire judicial system, exists the Supreme Court of India below which are the High Courts in each State or group of States. Below the High Court’s lies a hierarchy of Subordinate Courts. Panchayat Courts also function in some States under various names like Nyaya Panchayat, Panchayat Adalat, Gram Kachheri, etc. to decide civil and criminal disputes of petty and local nature

Law & Order
Law and order (also known as tough on crime and the War on Crime) refers to demands for a strict criminal justice system, especially in relation to violent and property crime, through stricter criminal penalties. These penalties may include longer terms of imprisonment, mandatory sentencing, three-strikes laws, and in some countries, capital punishment. Supporters of “law and order”, generally from the right-wing, argue that incarceration is the most effective means of crime prevention. Opponents of law and order, typically left-wing, argue that a system of harsh criminal punishment is ultimately ineffective because it does not address underlying or systemic causes of crime.

We at Paramam Multi Development Projects is one the leading consultancy in Law & Order and also give services like lawyer arrangement for court case for all our customer as well we provide them support and solution to them on legal matter.

Safety and Security:

1) Electronic security systems and solutions
2) Industrial Security
3) Cyber Security
4) Airport Security
5) Hotel Security
6) Homeland Security & Policing
7) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)
8) Fire & Rescue
9) Private Security Guards and Bouncers
10) Home Safety
11) Industrial Safety
12) Road Safety

Safety and Security challenges rank among the most pressing issues of modern times. Challenges such as, cyber-crime, terrorism, and environmental disasters impact the lives of millions across the globe. These issues also rank high on the agenda of politicians, international organizations and businesses. They also feature prominently in the public conscience and in governmental policies.

In the current, interconnected world, security challenges are becoming increasingly complex. Facilitated by developments as globalization and the spread of networked and hyper-connected technologies, new safety and security challenges arise and impact local, national, regional and international levels, which dramatically increases their complexity and scale. As such, solutions to contemporary security challenges require a wide array of actors operating on multiple levels of governance. The course will introduce you to the broad theme of security and safety in an increasingly complex world. Together we will search for answers to important questions: what is security and safety? How can we understand complex modern-day security and safety challenges? And how do we deal with such challenges? This course combines scholarly inquiry from multiple disciplines (ranging from terrorism studies, to crisis management, to medical science) with real-life cases to explore and understand complex modern-day safety and security challenges.

We at Paramam Multi Development Projects is one the leading consultancy in Safety and Security Product and also give services of Law & Order like lawyer arrangement for court case for all our customer as well we provide them support and solution to them on legal matter.

If you have Query regarding this industry and for support and solution kindly contact us on +91 9930442292.