Refund Policy

Refund Policy for upholds this policy in the event that clients will require refunds. Get your refund anytime when:

1. Mahacorporation is unable to approve your membership.
2. Mahacorporation have not started the Membership within the promised 1 week period of placing the order.
3. You requested a refund in 2-5 hours after placing the order.

Mahacorporation also provide the following alternatives to a refund:
1. Recredit funds on clients’ respective portal.
2. Provide alternative membership

Mahacorporation is not responsible for false or misguided information that may link to its website regarding the refund policy. Mahacorporation holds no control over independent reviews or web content outside its own website
Contact our customer support for issues prior to refund requests. This is to settle issues that prompted such request and to properly guide you on our refund process.